Capstone Project: FINISHED!

The film is done! I've uploaded it, submitted it, the whole nine yards. My hand hurts and I still have some weird lingering stress, but it's complete. I'm happy with it, and it's absolutely wild to look back at where it started and where it is now. Now to finish other coursework I have leftover, fly out to Rochester, and present the film!

I'm not going to post it on here yet, I'll probably wait until after presentations. If anyone reads this and wants to see it, comment below this and I can send the unlisted link to the youtube video of it.

Thank you to anyone who followed along through this journey, thank you to my professors and peers, and special thank you to my roommate and best friend, who created London and Val and developed this very special piece with me. We've been working on stories together for years now, and I really hope I did justice to telling this one.