Website updated!

New reel and portfolio work has all been posted, as well as some other updated information and a new about me page! I'll be of course continuing to update with more of my work. I plan to do more posts of projects I have in progress here on my blog, so enjoy this storyboard of a sort of TV show "opening" I'm working on. I'd like to utilize this space more to show my work process, and for this to become a more living portfolio space.

Going back into it

Hello! It's been quite some time since I've been able to update this blog, but I do have some things I'd like to say. After graduation, I've been taking time to work on my health, and working full time to save up money so that I can move. Now that those personal goals are coming closer to fruition, I will be updating this website with all the new porfolio work I've been creating and finally applying for jobs in my field! I hope to have this website fully refreshed by next week, and I do plan to write a blog post upon it's completion. In the meanttime, I'll be working on more projects to display on here as well.

Talk again soon!

Capstone Project: FINISHED!

The film is done! I've uploaded it, submitted it, the whole nine yards. My hand hurts and I still have some weird lingering stress, but it's complete. I'm happy with it, and it's absolutely wild to look back at where it started and where it is now. Now to finish other coursework I have leftover, fly out to Rochester, and present the film!

I'm not going to post it on here yet, I'll probably wait until after presentations. If anyone reads this and wants to see it, comment below this and I can send the unlisted link to the youtube video of it.

Thank you to anyone who followed along through this journey, thank you to my professors and peers, and special thank you to my roommate and best friend, who created London and Val and developed this very special piece with me. We've been working on stories together for years now, and I really hope I did justice to telling this one.

Capstone Project: Things are gettin color!

Uploading some shots - I want to edit together a new rough cut of everything I've done soon but I've been really deep in the process of just animating. Here's some stuff! At this pont, all the roughs are done and line work / coloring is where we're at. For the underwater scene - I do plan on adding some effects in after effects on it, I played around with it today and found some stuff I like. I am going to finish all the linework and color first, to see if I'm going to have time to add on highlights / shadows before doing after effects stuff. Just need to get the most important work done first. I also want to do some after effects stuff on the flashbacks and Val's voice, but again, prioritizing.

The first shot I still got some stuff to fix and color but I wanted to show the progress on that too

Capstone Project: Working hard

It's been just consistent animating at this point. Here's some finished line shots! My roughs are done at this point, and I have a lot more line work I've been working on, but I didn't have time to edit it all together into an animatic. Ended up getting incredibly sick over spring break (and losing my wifi for a couple days, that's a whole other story), but I got a lot done and should have an updated full show of progress for Wednesday.

Capstone Project: Spring Semester

And so it begins - I'll be back to weekly posting as I settle back into the Spring semester. I've worked on some roughs as much as I could during break, and I've also locked down on dialogue. I just need to contact my voice actor for Val and get her to record a few extra lines, but mainly I want to buckle down on roughs and line work for the animation. It's time to really get working now! Here's a lined clip of London from that first scene!